英語技術! リンベ English Tech! Lingbe インクル英会話磐田市
The next app I want to take a look at is Lingbe. Apps like Duolingo are great for helping you learn the English language, Lingbe is good at getting you speaking. This app connects you with a native speaker to speak to using your native language and the other persons native language. In this way, it is a give and take app, where sometimes you will have to be the teacher and sometimes you are the student.
私が見てみたい次のアプリはLingbeです。 Duolingoのようなアプリは、英語の学習を支援するのに最適であり、Lingbeはあなたに話しかけるのが得意です。このアプリは、母国語と他の人の母国語を使用して話すために母国語話者と接続します。このように、これはギブアンドテイクアプリであり、教師になる必要がある場合と、学生になる場合があります。
Sometimes learning languages with other people makes it more fun and easier to get better. Who knows, you may also make a new friend! I like this app a lot, because of the simple user interface. All you have to do is select your native language and the language you would like to learn. And then maybe some topics that interest you and voila, you have a new talking partner. Give it is a try if you think this is something that might interest you.
- app アプリ
- connect 接続する
- "give and take" "ギブアンドテーク"
- user interface ユーザーインターフェース
- topic トピック