A stone by the Roadside 路傍の石 インクル英会話浜松校
There is a famous novelist called Yuzo Yamamoto. He was born in Tochigi which is my hometown. I really like one of his sayings, so I’d like to share that with you.
● A Stone by the Roadside
I am the only one. If you don’t really make use of your only life, your life as a human being has been meaningless.
I really think it’s true. We shouldn’t hesitate to do the things we want to do.
山本有三という有名な小説家がいます。彼は私の故郷である栃木県出身です。 彼の言葉の中でひとつ気に入っているものを紹介したいと思います。
● 路傍の石