Planets 惑星 インクル英会話島田市

In my last blog, I wrote about how to memorize the order of the rainbow colors. This time, I've checked how to memorize the order of the planets, so I would like to share that with you.

☆Here are some examples. 
      ・My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles.

      ・Mom Visits Every Monday Just Stays Until Noon.

(acronym of each words)
 M=Marcury   V= Venus  E=Earth      M=Mars 
  J=Jupiter      S=Saturn   U=Uranus   N=Neptune

Maybe you can come up with some funnier versions for memorizing the order.



My Very Educated Mother Just Serves Us Noodles.

Mom Visits Every Monday Just Stays Until Noon.


M=Marcury 水星   V=Venus 金星   E=Earth 地球  M=Mars 火星

J=Jupiter 木星  S=Saturn 土星  U=Uranus 天王星 N=Neptune 海王星
