達成可能な関連するSMART目標: Attainable and Relevant SMART Goals インクル子ども英会話浜松市
Let's continue our discussion on SMART goals by looking at the next two attributes: attainable and relevant.
Attainable: You must set a goal that you CAN achieve. If you set something that is too difficult, then you will only make yourself feel terrible when you can't complete it. Try setting easier smaller goals that can give you boosts to your motivation as you complete them. But, try to avoid setting goals that are too easy for you. If you don't feel the challenged, then it may not feel rewarding enough. Try to find the balance in your goal.
Relevant: You goals should be centered around one thing... YOU! If you're making goals that don't align with your ambitions, then you are only going to fragment your focus. It might take you longer to find that sense of accomplishment. Or you might feel confused from all the different, scattered goal you've created for yourself. Focus on what matters most important you.