具体的かつ測定可能なSMART目標: Specific and Measurable SMART Goals インクル子ども英会話浜松市
Welcome back! Let's jump right into our first attribute of a SMART goal!
Your goal needs to be clear and well defined. If your goal doesn't have enough details, then you won't be able to move in a clear direction to succeed at it. For example: if my goal is to be better at English. Then I don't know in what areas of English I need to be better at when I meet my goal. Should I be better at reading, writing, speaking or listening? How will I know when I have completed my goal?
A better example of a specific goal is: I want to read English faster. Now I know specifically what my goal is. It's easy to get to where you want to go by defining where you want to end up.
Next we're going to talk about how to make your goal more measurable. We want your goal to include numbers! Use dates, prices, times, amounts, etc. to make it easier to identify when you have completed your goal. Which goal easier to measure:
1) I want to run faster.
2) I want to run 5 km in 30 min.
The answer is number 2. By seeing a distance and time I can more clearly see what my goal is. Without a way to measure your success you miss out on the celebration that comes with knowing you have actually achieved something.