After School - Playing in the Park インクル子ども英会話浜松市
Hello! Yesterday in our English after school, we went to the park and played sports.
We learned phrases like "What do you want to play?" and words like "slide," and "swing." We played badminton, soccer, hide and seek, tag, and even sumo wrestling. Of course we didn't play rough! The fierce competitors in the sumo ring put soft sweaters under their shirts. I even lost to them when a 1st grader pushed me like his life was on the line!
The weather is great right now for playing outside, and it's fairly safe compared to going to restaurants or shopping right now.
What outdoor game ideas do you have? What are some good places to play?
「何をしたいの?」などのフレーズを学びました。 「スライド」や「スイング」などの言葉。バドミントン、サッカー、かくれんぼ、タグ付け、相撲もしました。もちろんラフにはしませんでした!土俵の激しい競争相手は、シャツの下に柔らかいセーターを着ていました。一年生が命がけのように私を押してくれたとき、私も彼らに負けました!