ENGLISH TEMPLATE インクル子ども英会話浜松市

For this month, I would like to talk about some of the things I learned while teaching my first set of Halloween lessons. It was fun, spooky, and filled with candy! That said, there were a few moments that had me worried in the beginning; but, I was able to overcome these moments with some quick thinking. For example, during one of my lessons I was surprised to find a few unexpected kids (friends or family) show up. I was low on candy, and worried I wouldn't have enough for my next class. So, I decided to give out a little less candy during the first two games and none of the big candy until the very end...this way, I still managed to make the kids happy and had enough for my last class.
Another moment that had me slightly worried, was when I only had two students for one of my many Halloween parties. Usually, there's many kids who come and help to keep the party lively and exciting. However, with only two kids, I grew concerned that this party wasn't going to be as good as I hoped. So, what did I do? I decided to pull out my personal music on my iPhone, play some fun kids Halloween music. Right away, the two students (who were also rather shy) seemed to brighten up and were giggling at the silly music choices. Also, I made the decision to mix up the order of the games and let the students decide what game they wanted to play (there was more time now that there was only two students). This seemed to do the trick, because by this point the students were really smiling and coming out of their shell.
So, what exactly did I learn? When in doubt, never be afraid to follow your instincts and allow yourself to have confidence within yourself. If you feel as though you're stuck and not sure what to do next, just know that there's always another option. Just breathe, take a moment to sort through your thoughts, and the idea will come. Trust me, I know from experience.
今月は、初めてのハロウィン レッスンで学んだことをいくつかお話ししたいと思います。楽しくて、不気味で、キャンディでいっぱいでした。とはいえ、最初は不安になった瞬間もありましたが、すぐに考えを巡らせて乗り越えることができました。たとえば、レッスン中に、予想外の子供たち (友達や家族) が何人か来て驚きました。キャンディが少なくなり、次のクラスまでに足りないのではないかと心配しました。そこで、最初の 2 つのゲームではキャンディを少し減らし、最後の最後まで大きなキャンディは配らないことにしました。こうすることで、子供たちを喜ばせ、最後のクラスまでに十分な量を残すことができました。
私が少し心配したもう 1 つの瞬間は、私が何度も行ったハロウィン パーティーの 1 つに生徒が 2 人しかいなかったときです。通常は、たくさんの子供たちが来て、パーティーを活気づけて盛り上げるのを手伝ってくれます。しかし、子供が 2 人しかいなかったので、このパーティーは思ったほどうまくいかないのではないかと心配になりました。それで、私は何をしたでしょうか。iPhone で自分の音楽を取り出して、楽しい子供向けのハロウィーン ミュージックをかけることにしました。すぐに、2 人の生徒 (かなりシャイでした) は明るくなり、おかしな音楽の選択にクスクス笑っていました。また、ゲームの順番を変えて、どのゲームをするか生徒に決めさせることにしました (生徒が 2 人だけになったので、時間が増えました)。この方法はうまくいったようで、この時点で生徒は本当に笑顔になり、殻を破っていました。