ENGLISH TEMPLATE インクル子ども英会話浜松市

This is my first blog, and I thought I would write a little bit about me. I'm originally from Windsor, Canada; surrounded by the sounds of the city kids playing road hockey on the streets, and the high schoolers playing football in the field next door. I grew up in a nice neighborhood, a loving family, and was fortunate enough to have a number of wonderful pets too.
Flash forward several years later, I graduated from the University of Windsor with a degree in Media Communication and Film. It was truly one of the best times in my life, where I got to make several films (as well as writing a few screenplays!) with friends and fellow classmates. I learned both the value of team work and communication when it comes to work.
それから数年後、私はウィンザー大学を卒業し、メディアコミュニケーションと映画の学位を取得しました。それは本当に人生で最高の時期の 1 つで、友人やクラスメートと一緒にいくつかの映画を制作し (脚本もいくつか書きました!) ました。仕事に関しては、チームワークとコミュニケーションの価値を学びました。