ENGLISH TEMPLATE インクル子ども英会話浜松市

What inspires me the most when it comes to Christmas? Well, if I'm being honest it has to do with my parents. I used to think that I admired them for always getting presents for all their kids (yes, a little strange in terms of admiration-kid brain!), but I realized later that I truly admired them for all the work they did behind the scenes. Not only did they take care of us (going to Christmas themed shows in parks, road trips to see houses decorated in Christmas lights, etc.) but they cooked meals for charity; brought strangers to eat with us (who had no other place to go); took care of my grandparents on both sides of the family; and even donating a portion of their savings to those in need on a regular basis.
It may not sound like a huge deal or maybe not even enough to some...to me though, it meant everything. They showed me what it means to live, and how spreading a little bit of love and kindness can mean the world to someone.
However you choose to celebrate Christmas or maybe not at all, I hope you consider doing something nice for someone who might appreciate it. So, whether that be a smile, a small gesture of appreciation, let's not forget that the world becomes a little bit brighter when we choose to be kind to others.
クリスマスに関して、私に最もインスピレーションを与えてくれるものは何でしょうか? 正直に言うと、それは私の両親に関係しています。私は両親がいつも子供たち全員にプレゼントを買ってくれることを尊敬していると思っていました (そう、子供の脳を尊敬するという点ではちょっと変ですね!)。しかし、後になって、両親が舞台裏で行っていたすべての仕事に本当に尊敬の念を抱いていたことに気づきました。両親は私たちの面倒を見てくれただけでなく (公園でクリスマスをテーマにしたショーに行ったり、クリスマスのイルミネーションで飾られた家を見に行くドライブ旅行など)、慈善事業のために食事を作ってくれたり、私たちと一緒に食事をする見知らぬ人を連れてきてくれたり (他に行く場所がなかった)、両親の祖父母の面倒を見たり、定期的に貯蓄の一部を困っている人々に寄付したりしていました。