Learning with Music: Part 4 インクル子ども英会話浜松市
Today we're talking about singing! If you've been following along so far, you have chosen a song and analyzed the lyrics. You feel confident in your understanding of the song and you learned a bunch of new words. Great job! Next comes the fun part. SING IT!
Singing is a great way to enhance your pronunciation skills. Don't just sing the lyrics. Really pay attention to the sounds of the singer and try to copy their sound. At this point you should be able to understand each word so focus on the sounds. Can you tell the difference between 'L' and 'R'? What about the 'TH' sounds? What words are more emphasized than others? Keep all of this in mind as you have your own personal concert.
And most importantly... HAVE FUN! :)
歌うことはあなたの発音スキルを向上させる素晴らしい方法です。歌詞だけを歌ってはいけません。本当に歌手の音に注意を払い、彼らの音をコピーしてみてください。この時点で、各単語を理解できるようになり、音に集中できるようになります。 「L」と「R」の違いはわかりますか? 「TH」音はどうですか?他の言葉よりも強調されている言葉は何ですか?あなた自身の個人的なコンサートがあるので、これらすべてを心に留めておいてください。
そして最も重要なのは…楽しんでください! :)