Many People May Keep Working from Home Even After the Corona Virus Strain Covid-19 Goes Away  多くの人がコロナウイルス株Covid-19が去った後も自宅で仕事を続けているかもしれませんインクル英会話浜松市



According to Twitter's head of HR Jennifer Christie, the company will never be the same after many employees who were asked to work from home may find it suits their lives and preferences better.

“People who were reticent to work remotely will find that they really thrive that way. Managers who didn’t think they could manage teams that were remote will have a different perspective. I do think we won’t go back,” Christie told BuzzFeed News in their article "The Coronavirus Is Forcing Techies To Work From Home. Some May Never Go Back To The Office."

Twitter has found that employees engage more when through remote contact with social tools like Google Hangouts and Slack, at least from one Q and A session they held recently.

Do you want to work from home? Do you think you would do your job better? What are the advantages and disadvantages for you?



「リモートで働くことをticした人々は、彼らが本当にそのように繁栄することに気付くでしょう。遠隔地のチームを管理できるとは思わなかったマネージャーは、異なる視点を持つことになります。 ChristieはBuzzFeed Newsの記事で、「The Coronavirus Is Forcing Techies To Work From Home. Some May Never Go Back To The Office.」と語っています。

Twitterは、少なくとも最近開催された1つのQ&Aセッションから、Google HangoutsやSlackなどのソーシャルツールにリモートで連絡することで、従業員の関与が増えることを発見しました。
