Mastering the Eiken Test Interview: Tips for Success ・ 英検二次試験(面接)対策:成功のためのポイント インクル子ども英会話浜松市
The Eiken Test: A Key to English Proficiency in Japan
The Eiken Test (実用英語技能検定) is one of Japan's most respected English proficiency exams. Known for its focus on practical language skills, it is recognized by schools, universities, and employers across Japan. For students, especially those aiming to improve their English for academic or career purposes, passing the Eiken can open many doors.
What is the Eiken Interview Stage?
The Eiken test has two stages for levels Grade 3 and above. After passing the written test in Stage 1, candidates move on to the interview test in Stage 2. This interview assesses speaking abilities and gauges how well candidates can communicate in English. The structure, format, and expectations of the interview vary depending on the level, with higher grades requiring more advanced skills.
Tips for Excelling in the Eiken Interview
- Understand the Interview Format The Eiken interview has a consistent format: reading a passage aloud, answering comprehension questions, and then engaging in conversation based on familiar topics. For example:
- Grade 3: Basic conversations about daily life and familiar situations.
- Pre-2 and 2: More complex discussions on topics such as hobbies, opinions, and short explanations.
- Grades Pre-1 and 1: Candidates express opinions and discuss social or global issues in more depth.
- Practice Speaking Out Loud Many Japanese students feel nervous about speaking English. Practicing reading passages and questions aloud helps build confidence and fluency. Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and speed.
- Master Comprehension Skills After reading a passage, interviewers ask questions to test comprehension. Practicing how to quickly understand and summarize a text is essential. Try summarizing short English articles or news stories to improve this skill.
- Expand Vocabulary and Practice Expression Building vocabulary for everyday topics will boost confidence in answering questions. Practice using common expressions and phrases for giving opinions, agreeing, disagreeing, and explaining why you think a certain way. For higher grades, understanding phrases to explain opinions on more abstract topics is key.
- Develop Cultural Awareness The Eiken interview can include questions that require you to discuss Japan’s culture or compare Japan with other countries. Practicing conversations about Japan’s traditions, values, and social issues can prepare you for these kinds of questions.
- Stay Calm and Focused Staying calm can make a big difference in performance. The interview is a chance to show your English speaking abilities—not to be perfect. Remember that interviewers are looking to understand your thought process and how well you can communicate in English.
Preparing for the Interview with Professional Help
At Incl, we offer specialized classes for Eiken preparation. Our classes focus on improving both spoken and written English to help students succeed in both stages of the Eiken exam. With tailored practice and experienced instructors, students gain confidence and achieve higher scores.
Ready to Improve Your Eiken Interview Skills?
If you're preparing for the Eiken test and want to boost your chances of success, join us at Incl. Our Eiken interview practice sessions give you the tools, guidance, and confidence to speak English naturally and succeed in the interview.
- 面接形式を理解する 英検の面接には一貫した形式があります。パッセージの音読、理解に関する質問への回答、日常的なテーマについての会話が含まれます。例えば:
- 3級:日常生活や身近な状況に関する会話
- 準2級および2級:趣味や意見の説明など、より複雑な内容のやりとり
- 準1級および1級:社会問題やグローバルなテーマについて意見を述べる
- 声に出して練習する 日本の学生は英語を話す際に緊張することが多いです。パッセージや質問を声に出して読む練習をすることで、自信と流暢さが高まります。発音、イントネーション、速度に注目しましょう。
- 理解力を養う パッセージを読んだ後、面接官は理解度を確かめるための質問をします。素早く内容を把握して要約する練習が重要です。短い英語の記事やニュースを要約することで、このスキルを向上させましょう。
- 語彙力を広げ、表現力を練習する 日常的なテーマに関する語彙を増やすことで、質問に自信を持って答えられるようになります。意見を述べたり、賛成や反対の意見を言う練習をしましょう。上級レベルの場合、抽象的なテーマについて意見を述べるための表現力が鍵です。
- 文化的な知識を深める 英検の面接では、日本の文化や他国との比較について話すことが求められることもあります。日本の伝統や価値観、社会問題についての会話を練習しておくと、このような質問にも自信を持って答えられます。
- リラックスし、集中する リラックスすることで、パフォーマンスが向上します。面接は自分の英語力を示す場であり、完璧を求められているわけではありません。面接官は、考え方やコミュニケーション能力を理解しようとしています。