Movie Night: Paranormal Activity インクル子ども英会話浜松市

Hello everyone. Happy Halloween! Today I want to talk about my movie recommendation for this month. Since it's October, that means there is no better time to watch a horror movie! I personally am not a huge horror movie fan, but I do enjoy this one.
Paranormal Activity is shot from the point of view of two newlyweds. They have a house together and start experiencing supernatural events at night. Like a door closing or lights turning on and off. They decide to investigate and set up a camera to record the house while they sleep.
I think this movie is unique because it feels like a home video, rather than a big Hollywood movie. The scary moments are really short and have long "breaks" in between. The first time I watched it, I remember thinking... did this really happen? It was a good movie and I definitely recommend watching it with friends or family!
みなさん、こんにちは。ハッピーハロウィン!今日は今月のおすすめの映画についてお話したいと思います。 10月なので、ホラー映画を見るのにこれ以上の時間はありません!私は個人的にホラー映画の大ファンではありませんが、これは楽しんでいます。