Rice or Bread? ご飯かパンか?インクル英会話浜松校
Which do you like to have for breakfast, rice or bread? I sometimes ask my students which one they prefer, and the result was 50/50.
According to a survey in a magazine, 32% of people favor rice and 68% favor bread. The main reason for that is because the dishes that go well with bread are easier to make than those that go with rice. Another reason people may prefer bread for breakfast is because it pairs well with coffee or tea.
To be honest, I like both, but when I have time, I usually prepare rice for breakfast. Either way, both options give our day a good start.
みなさんは朝ごはんにご飯かパン、どちらを好みますか? 時々生徒さんにどちらが好きか聞くのですが、結果は五分五分です。ある雑誌の調査によりますと、32%の人がご飯を好み、68%の人がパンを好んでいました。主な理由は、パンに合う料理はご飯のものよりも作るのが簡単だからです。人々がパンを好む他の理由としましては、パンはコーヒーや紅茶と合うからです。