Island Volcano "Sakurajima" Erupts!
By Joshua
Island Volcano in Kyushu Erupts, July 2022.
According to article, ash from the Sakurajima volcano was seen in the southern island of Kyushu, Japan Monday, July 25, 2022. The volcano erupted Sunday night, spewing ash and rocks, causing dozens of residents in nearby towns to evacuate to a safer part of the region.
"We will put the people's lives first and do our utmost to assess the situation and respond to any emergency," Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihiko Isozaki told reporters. He called on residents in the area to pay close attention to the latest update from the local authorities to protect their lives.
It is important to monitor this volcano because the city of Kagoshima has 593,000 residents living just a few kilometers away. The city conducts regular evacuation drills, and a number of shelters have been built where people can take refuge from falling volcanic debris.
image: wikmedia commons. Article generated with help from smodin.io/writer.
磯崎副首相は記者団に対し、「国民の生活を第一に考え、事態の把握と緊急事態への対応に全力を尽くす」と述べた。 彼は地域の住民に彼らの命を守るために地方自治体からの最新の更新に細心の注意を払うように呼びかけました。
鹿児島市にはわずか数キロ離れたところに593,000人の住民が住んでいるため、この火山を監視することは重要です。 市では定期的に避難訓練を実施しており、落下する火山の残骸から避難できる避難所が数多く建設されています。