Sport; It's more than a game インクル子ども英会話浜松市
In Australia, there is no bigger passion than sport. Sport is one of the most common conversation topics people in Australia have. Sport can also have the power to completely change a person's mood.
For example, in Australia right now, the biggest sport where I am from is Australian Rules Football. My favorite team, the Essendon Bombers, are having a terrible season so far and are languishing in 16th (out of 18 teams). Being a big team in a professional sport, their failures are getting spoken about a lot in the media, so for fans such as myself, it is unavoidable, and as a fan I'm disappointed when my team lose or play badly. On the flip side, a big victory can make me very happy!
National team sports, such as cricket, rugby and soccer capture the attention of and unite the whole country, particularly during big games or tournaments. As Nelson Mandela once famously said; "Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than government in breaking down racial barriers.”
クリケット、ラグビー、サッカーなどの代表チームのスポーツは、特に大規模なゲームやトーナメントで、全国の注目を集め、団結します。ネルソンマンデラがかつて有名に言ったように、 「スポーツには世界を変える力があります。刺激を与える力があります。他のほとんどの方法ではできない方法で人々を団結させる力があります。若者が理解できる言語で話します。スポーツはかつてあった場所に希望を生み出すことができます。絶望だけです。人種の壁を打ち破るという点で、政府よりも強力です。」