Starting Barack Obama's book "A Promised Land" インクル大人英会話浜松市
Hey everyone. How's your winter vacation going? Good? For mine, I've been reading Barack Obama's recent book A Promised Land. It's been a New York Times non-fiction bestseller for three weeks in a row!
I've been waiting to get a physical copy on Japan's Amazon, but the price won't go down from like 5,000円! So I got a digital copy and just started yesterday, but let me tell you about a couple of interesting parts from the first few chapters.
For one, he talks about how his interest in certain authors in college was mainly a means of picking up girls:
"Looking back, it’s embarrassing to recognize the degree to which my intellectual curiosity those first two years of college paralleled the interests of various women I was attempting to get to know: Marx and Marcuse so I had something to say to the long-legged socialist who lived in my dorm. Fanon and Gwendolyn Brooks for the smooth-skinned sociology major who never gave me a second look..."
This is a bit surprising if you compare this young Obama to the Obama we think of today. Also, he mentions that when he was in high school he went to a lot of garage sales with his grandpa and picked up many used books from various authors like Dostoevsky. He would read them then get more books even when he didn't fully understand their meaning. Again, I think this portrays a different version of Obama from the failed pick-up artist in the above quote from his book.
Another interesting part of A Promised Land so far is that he traces his popularity and the start of his whole career to one speech in 2004. Even as an Illinois State Senator, Obama wasn't even known by many of the people of Illinois. However, after his first national televised speech at the DNC Convention in 2004, people across the whole country started to know his name. He said after he gave this speech, he would get large crowds five times bigger than expected when he went around Illinois. He also noted that later when he watched the speech, he could see his lack of experience at the time. Unlike the more practiced and confident Obama we saw from 2008, the 2004 Obama spoke too fast at times and spoke too slow at other times. Watch it and see if you agree!
こんにちは、みなさん。冬休みはどうですか?良い?私の場合、私はバラク・オバマの最近の本A PromisedLandを読んでいます。これは、ニューヨークタイムズのノンフィクションのベストセラーであり、3週間連続です。
こんにちは、みなさん。冬休みはどうですか?良い?私にとっては、バラク・オバマの最近の本A PromisedLandを読んでいます。これは、ニューヨークタイムズのノンフィクションのベストセラーであり、3週間連続です。