USA vs. Japan: Going to the Movies インクル子ども英会話浜松市
This month's topic in our Adult classes is Movies and TV. A lot of my students are interested the differences between movie theaters here versus in the US. Let's talk about some of best and worst parts of both!

As you know, in Japan, when buying a ticket you must choose which seats you would like. This is not the case for most US movie theaters. First you buy a ticket then head inside and find a seat. It's extremely stressful looking for empty seats in a dark space especially when there are tons of people! In my opinion, Japan theaters get a point here.

The food in both countries are mostly the same. The fan favorite is popcorn and soda. However, in Japan you have a choice between salt or caramel. Again, most theaters in the US don't sell caramel popcorn. I'm personally not a fan of caramel, but I can appreciate it for others who do enjoy it. So again, I think Japan has an advantage here.

Here is another category where I think Japan takes the cake. Every theater I've been too gives each customer who buys a snack a personal tray that sits in the cup holder of your seat! I LOVE this! No longer do I have to hold my bucket of popcorn, or reach over into the lap of my friend to get a few. It's useful and it doesn't take up much space. Let's not forget to mention some theaters here offer blankets! In the US... you get nothing...

Japan sure does have a lot of things over the US in this race. However, they can't compare to the atmosphere of a US theater. There is nothing quite like everyone screaming at a scary scene, or everyone laughing together at the main character's joke. It makes the movie feel more fun and exciting. In Japan, it's pretty common for everyone to remain super quiet the entire time no matter how funny that joke was! I think the US gets the point here.

Lastly, my biggest pet peeve with Japanese theaters, the credits. In the US when the credits begin to roll, the lights will come on and everyone will begin to exit the theater. Not in Japan. The lights won't come on until after the credits are finished. And most people will stay and watch the list of names in complete silence. It's quite humorous when you think about it.
So, in conclusion, I think Japanese theaters have a much better physical experience. It's clean, the food is good, there are nice amenities and it will be quiet during the film. But, going to a US theater has some unique experiences that everyone should go and have!