ニュージーランドのおすすめ観光地:ケープ・レインガ Places you should visit in New Zealand: Cape Reinga インクル英会話磐田市
Cape Reinga is the northern most part of New Zealand's North Island that you are allowed to travel to. It is also the meeting point of the Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean. As the two seas clash you can see what is known as a tidal race. "Reinga" means the underworld or place of departed spirits in te reo Maori. It is called this as it is believed that the cape is the place from which the spirits of the dead enter the underworld. Because of this it is a sacred place and food is not allowed.
-Tasman Sea タスマン海
-Pacific Ocean 太平洋
-clash 衝突
-te reo Maori マオリ語
-departed spirits 亡霊
-sacred 聖地