時間制限のあるSMARTの目標: Time-Bound SMART Goals インクル子ども英会話浜松市
Today, we're looking at our last attribute for making a SMART goal: Time-Bound.
Time-Bound: Your goal MUST have a deadline. Meaning, a date in which your goal must be completed. By providing a deadline to your goal, it will give you a sense of urgency and help you complete your goal that much faster. Without one... well you might find yourself saying, "I've got all the time in the world." or "I'll get started on that next weekend." Try to avoid those thoughts and get started now!
So that wraps up our talks on SMART goals. If you follow these guidelines you can begin to make those positive changes to your life. Be sure to let your teacher know what your goal is, and perhaps they can help you. I hope everyone has a great 2020!
Until next time,