American Coins インクル子ども英会話浜松市
This month in our adult classes, we are talking about superstitions. One of the more interesting words my students have been asking about is "penny". What is a penny, and what does it mean to be "heads up"? Today, I thought I would talk a little about American coins and some terminology we use about them.

Coin Names
Unlike the US dollar, our US coins actually have nicknames. So a person could say , "May I have 25 cents?" or "May I have a quarter?". Both sentences are equally correct. So what are all the nicknames of the coins?
They are quarter (25 cents), dime (10 cents), nickel (5 cents), and penny (1 cent).
So if someone were to say "I have 2 quarters and a dime." they would have 60 cents. Neat!
Heads or Tails?
In English, we use "heads" and "tails" to distinguish the difference between the sides of a coin. US coins all have an old important person on one side. Therefore we call that side "heads". The opposite would be referred to as "tails". Why tails? I'm not sure! Go look it up and let us know in the comments.
A common instance of these words can be found at the beginning of most sporting events when they do a coin flip. "Do you want heads or tails?"
What about "heads up"?
Well, "heads up" would mean the coins "head" side is facing upward. So, if you find a penny on the ground and you can see the head. It would be "heads up" meaning it will bring you good luck, so pick it up! If you don't see the head, then it's "heads down" so don't pick it up.
How about in Japan? What do you call the different sides of a coin?
これらの単語の一般的な例は、ほとんどのスポーツイベントの開始時にコイントスを行うときに見つけることができます。 「頭か尾か?」